Bookings and Cancellation Policy and IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Bookings and Cancellation Policy and IMPORTANT INFORMATION

Thank you for booking with us at The Flints, here is important information about our bookings and cancellations policies. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns or questions. 


20% advance payment is required at time of booking. 50% advance payment is required if booking is made within 14 days of stay. Potential bookings 'Pencilled in' will be held for 48 hours and released unless booking is confirmed and deposited. Please pay your Deposit to the following bank account 

Natwest bank The Flints

Sort code 01-09-51

Account No. 60212799

Please contact us to confirm when payment has been made.


Life gets hectic, we understand. We do however operate a cancellations policy to protect The Flints and to make sure no precious booking space is wasted for other families. If cancellation is requested refunds will be issued with these terms; Full refund on any payments made if cancellation occurs 14 days before arrival date. 50% refund on any payments made or FREE date change if cancellation occurs between 13-7 days before arrival. No refund, however, a date change is possible if cancellation occurs 6-4 days before arrival. No refund nor date change offered if cancellation is within 72 hours of arrival. Full refund however will always be given if a doctor’s evidence letter is provided for medical emergency/bereavement 


We have a small amendment fee of £5 applicable each time a date is changed.


If you book via referral and would like to add any meals ( optional) the additional costs is £5 per head per meal.


Guests from all backgrounds, communities, faiths and cultures are equally welcomed and will be treated with respect.

Because we are family friendly, and may have people visiting from the recovery community, we kindly ask that you refrain from bringing alcohol or drugs onto the property.


The Flints is a traditional Victorian style building with steep stairs and no sleeping accommodation and no bathroom facilities on the ground floor, therefore, we suggest this building isn't suitable for those with mobility issues, sorry.


We currently do not want to take a damage deposit as we know this can affect low income guests, so therefore We do have a TERMS & CONDITIONS form to sign when you arrive, if you require a copy of this before arrival, just ask.


Members of the recovery community both live here and visit here, to help us keep this place safe and welcoming, we kindly ask that you refrain from bringing alcohol or drugs onto the property. We really appreciate your understanding.

PLEASE bring your own beach towels for Sandcastles and the beach. We politely ask that our Bath towels are not removed.


We are happy to wash your wet beach towels and/or do a load of washing for you.

Additional cost is £3 a load, there's also local launderette a 5 mins walk.

We'd love to hear from you

Contact us through the form below and we'll answer you back!